How to Plan for Advanced Care

Advance care planning involves learning about the types of decisions that might need to be made as you approach the end of your life, considering those decisions ahead of time, and then letting your family and healthcare providers know about your preferences.

These are often put into an advance directive, which is a legal document that only goes into effect if you are incapacitated and unable to speak for yourself. An advance directive also allows you to express your values and desires related to end-of-life care. Also known as a living will, you can adjust this as your situation changes because of new information or a change in your health.

Start planning today with our Peace of Mind Planner.

Getting Started

Start by thinking about what kind of treatment you do or do not want in a medical emergency. It might help to talk with your doctor about how your current health conditions might influence your health in the future. Typical decisions that are put into an advance directive include CPR, ventilator use, artificial nutrition/hydration, organ donation, DNR orders, and comfort care.

Resources For Advance Care Planning

Aegis is a proud member of The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, which provides guidance and resources for those considering advanced care. Below are some NHPCO documents to help you prepare your advance directive.